12 scrolls ---> 3€ each (Paypal) WTS/WTT ARCHER LVL 100 GRACIA ( 1 2) WTS archer lvl 100 on Gracia -HH- bow lvl 80 0/4 2x ele 2x dmg and 4% stun cap of marin 1/1 (ashtal) armor of marin 3/4 (3x stones lvl 5) armpads of marin 2/2 (ashtal) -REALM- balakass armor 4/4 (3x stones lvl 5 and 1x lvl 6) robindole armpads 3% cast 0/2 robindole pants 12% res 2/2 (lvl 6 stones) robindole armpads 18 attack rating 2/2 (ashtal) some elite gloves with 2x scions, pants 2/2 lvl 5 stones (nice), boots with lvl 5 stone and 1x ashtal (nice) -UNIQUES- luke 0/2 2x proof of monarch 0/1 - 1/1(ashtal) union necklage 1/1 (god wings lvl1) intel shuta 0/1 spiral ring 1/1 (5% res) flying ring 0/1 bellos ring 0/1 -WCP- a lot of pots lens,combi and like +500 recover pots 100% -OTHER STUFFS- good 38 bow 25 serazans lvl 4 3X EXP 1x golem 1x storm black horse WTT SWASH lvl 81 (Zian) WTT my swash lvl 81 with: -blode 6% resi -shuta 8% resi -kark dimension cloack lvl 4 -full realm lvl 5 stone -Nice HH Rapier and Dagger I WTS IT FOR CHARS ON ZIAN OR SCROLLS WTS Swash 105 Gracia The swash got: - Intel blode 8% resist - Intel blode 7% resist - blode 0/1 - Union necklage with death wings lvl 4 xD - Scabbard of Camian with 12% resistance bonus 3 slots with lvl 6 skill block and physical resistance and ashtaaal - Garb Poison full lvl 6 stones - Gloves of Camian 10% atack speed bonus and atack rating with lvl 6 stones - Boots of Camian full lvl 6 stones - some good elite clothes with good stats + ashtals - good weapons for forest high crit - lvl 85 rapier 6% crit 6/6 full ashtals - lvl 92 rapier +1 all skils 6% critical bonus more stats full ashtaal - lvl 92 dagger 6% critical bonus 20 damage full ashtaal - lvl 92 rapier +1 all skils with all ele damages bonus full lvl 5 Lighting damage stones - lvl 92 dagger +1 all skills with all ele damages bonus full lvl 5 Lighting damage stones - 125M gold Chantra bag items: - 9 serazarans lvl 4 - wings lvl 1,2,3,4 no neck - cloack lvl 2 - a lot of letters of great pardon - 2x toa 7 days 30% xp - 4x super lucky charm (100% drop) - some toh - 70K lens - 15 combis - 12 scrolls - a lot of suits - super - lot of cc pots offer me paypal ! WTS Nice Sword lvl 92 /EU3/