Urzark WTB ranger level 76+

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/3/14.

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    as title says i am looking for ranger lvl 76+ with a +2 top + 2x shuta/blode + kark. I can offer excellent sentinel ring on urzark, or 10euro paypal. Must come with email, i trade will trade with MM or if your trustable i will trade without. Thanks 2fast

    [Urzark] WTS HH Realms

    Armour of Vantia Garb of Delphin I accept scrolls, Paypal, psc, mats, uniques also WTB combined vitality Lv5 combined high speed Lv5

    WTS INt Kark 3/3 ( Urzark )

    WTS Intelligent Karkaen 3/3 ( Infinity+Cloak Dimension lvl 6 + stamina lvl 6 ) Pm for ofer i accept Scrol's /Paypal PM pls

    [ZIAN] WTB Swashbuckler Gear ty

    I need these items: - 2x Glorious Bellos 1~3 slots - Defiance Dagger (stats don't matter, it's for refinement) or Far Defiance Dagger with 6% crit - Gloves of Heren - Boots of Camian +9% Block & +12% Movement Speed - Scabbard of Camian +12% Resistance & (HP/Defense/XP) 3 slots I WTT: 10x Box for Scroll

    Zian - WTB Scrolls for Paypal
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