why can i never send money on my main stealth?

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by ilovetobun69, 8/6/17.

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  1. ilovetobun69

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    every time i ever try to send money it works like once then i cant spend any more of the money. I can never order directly to a pay pal i have to buy it on a website such as ebay too. I l cannot even send a dollar without the annoying "number isn't register in your number" bs . Even if i have the name match and use a real number it still does that so its obviously being flagged and paypal is using that to not piss off a legit customer as much. what should i do to fix this? i have tried a vpn with a fresh ip, i have tried proxies, etc. I have a pretty large amount of money i want to get off before some asshole scams me on my ebay account or it gets locked up one day.

    I know i probaaly will just have to wait but its annoying that i cant spend more then 50$ without it flagging for a week or two. The account with the most money is 6 months old too so it cant be because its new. My new accounts are just as bad although .
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