Platform: Android Server: America>Arcadian Forest Look , is this true?? Thats why few people only know that theres mystery behind this "Under Realm" passage way on android ?
what a load of bollocks! They can't ban you for a bug and it's not the same as the rune bug which was actually a rune #..
there was two ways to get runes.. one was an App other was a bug... they ban for both my friend.. so yes they can ban for exploiting a bug.
i know literally about 40 people who had that rune bug and no one got banned... EVERYONE who used # got banned... no they cannot ban you for exploiting a bug as it does not breach their t&c's
well I will tell you I know some that didn't get banned also.. I don't know how they picked and choosed players to ban.. but I didn't use this freedom application that everyone got banned for.. but two weeks after ban all my mains got banned for using the other along with 4 of my friends.. but some of my friends didn't get banned.. so the 40 you know got lucky mate..