Sold [USA] [H]Fortnite Standard keys PC [W] Wishlisted games

Discussion in 'Fortnite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by /u/BrainFlushed, 8/5/17.

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  1. /u/BrainFlushed

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    I have trades in the thousands across the internet.
    So for the sake of wasting time, don't bother with trying to trick me.

    Simply put, I would like things from my wishlist.

    I am only asking the retail cost online as you would have to buy it for $19.99 yourself. I wish they hadn't forced me with these extra copies considering I spent $150 on this game, but it is what it is.

    Add me if you have what is on my list and want to trade.
    Thanks and have a great weekend.

    # #/BrainFlushed
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