Selling Wow account shaman 900 ilvl legion flying and other things

Discussion in 'Diablo 3 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by leekada, 8/5/17.

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  1. leekada

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    First a level 110 Enhance shaman Panda, Alliance. 800 skin 800 lw on questline for legendaries. 54 ranks in the weapon. Legion Flying. 6 other 110's with druid and DK decent item level. 10650 achievement points 128 mounts 692 battle pets around 610 unique.

    Paladin, hunter, priest and warrior are 110 but not geared. Druid is balance 883 ilvl DK is frost 884. all other classes are over 100 except rogue. 30k gold approx. 15 days of time left.

    Hearthstone = has alot of cards. a full jade druid deck almost complete dragon priest deck. 3 unopened frozen throne packs. karazhan cards.

    Diablo 3 - all classes except necro to max or near max. i didnt buy the necro pack.

    Hots - i havent done much here but there are some heroes and i am player level 13 i believe. NO overwatch and no star craft. has warcraft 3 on the account too. I am the Original owner and serious about selling.

    For Pictures, armories, or any other questions leave me a notification here and we can set up place to talk. I am quitting blizzard cause none of their games interest me anymore so i am moving on to bigger and better games and life things. Thank you and have a nice day asking price 135 or best offer
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