Selling Selling Vertigo Boosting | Professional And Fast | Selling Trick TOO |

Discussion in 'CSGO Boosting for Sale - Buy Sell CS:GO Boosting' started by 5toned, 8/5/17.

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  1. 5toned

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    Boosting -

    What you have to do?
    you just have to do add me and i will invite you to join our lobby and you can go and kill afk people you don't have give me your id password or anything you can take upto 80 kills or u can take any amount of kills for trust issues i will give you 1 game free there is no no scamming anything at all


    Silver - Gn1 ( Per rankup 1 Key For example : Silver 1 - Silver 2 = 1 Keys Like This )
    Gn1 - Gnm ( 3 Keys Total )
    Mg - Dmg ( 3 Keys Total )
    Dmg To Le - 2 Keys
    Le To Lem - 3 Keys
    Lem To Smfc - 4 Keys
    Smfc To GE - 5 keys
    Contact Me

    skype - Facebook.:th3gamechanger_2
    discord - CuteSecurity #0188
    steam -

    if i don't reply you comment on my profile why you are adding me i will add you back

    About The Trick

    Hello i am selling vertigo boost as you know in recent update valve stopped "Sandboxie" if you use this software you'll get vac error , but i have trick bypass you can do your boosting like before

    What is vertigo boosting?
    Vertigo boosting is like you will join my lobby you won't have to give your id password or something you join my lobby you will get the match against my bots they'll be afk you will have to go and kill them

    You will get banned by doing vertigo boosting?
    No you won't be banned since you are not using any type of hacks you won't

    What will happen if this tricks get patched?
    I am using this patch since the moment valve stopped and as far as i know only 4-5 people have this trick because it cost a lot and it should be private

    What is proof?
    I can show you in team viewer as well as here you can see in screenshot or You can come in my team viewer and i can show you LIVE GAME


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