Sold So pissed off right now. Force spawned...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Stealthmode Kitesalot, 9/16/14.

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    Heather Brown-Reese

    Heather Brown-Reese
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    This is the problem with open pvp ,, gameloft encourages bad sportsman like behavior by allowing it. They seek to make even more money from war free bands , instead of just making players opt into pvp instead of an open zone which causes so many problems for questers and mount hunters . Jerks pray on decent people.
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    Evíl Withïn

    Evíl Withïn
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    im glad for the server im on. they rarely kill in pvp zones while mount hunting. sometimes they will join the hunt instead of trying to kill you
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    Michael White

    Michael White
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    there will always be people like him and glims are easy to cap justy force and cap another ur wasteing ur wands u can cap the glim with stones
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    Stealthmode Kitesalot

    Stealthmode Kitesalot
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    Honestly, dont have much time for ONC anymore, started playing everquest 2 again last week. The raid is calling me....8)
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    Dakronic Healz

    Dakronic Healz
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    Ever quest is really bad graphics
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    Heather Brown-Reese

    Heather Brown-Reese
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    ? I love oac but its graphics aren't up to par with large scale PC mmos , Everquest has very decent graphics they are old but far better then oac . I get if people prefer a style of graphics like oac's cartoony wow style over games like eq or ddo or skyrim but, calling them bad isn't reasonable when the game your playing still has playstation one graphics like oac does. I happen to like both games graphics but I love eq more.
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