Boom! 6/6 archer s3, 2/6 sin s3. (figzz) Asia glimmermoore - droid
The ban actually helped quite a bit of people in asia glim do real pvp and gain rank. So no exploiting. Know your love you before u hate
Nope went to a mmorpg that has good customer support, bans cheaters permanently, and offers a better product.
Nope definitely not. Haters that can't get gear gotta always call people cheaters when they can't get it them selves. You bore me. Lol go cry and play your other game. Thanks
You cheat Nuff said. No way to get rating high enough, especially on a dead server, unless you farmed it. Not to mention the what 200000+ honor points. Face it you farmed arena for rating and points. Don't be ashamed. Everyone's doing it. Even though gameloft admins have said it's going to get you banned. Lmao.
No...just no...lmao glim is the most populated not to mention one of the more competitive servers in the game. that's where I'm shows how much u know...nothing. no wonder u left the game. Like I said...couldn't hang lol bye bye now. Haters always gonna hate. Play your other little game and ****