Sold I m having trouble completing quests in Swamp...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Brandon H Finley, 10/12/14.

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  1. Brandon H Finley

    Brandon H Finley
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    I'm having trouble completing quests in Swamp of Wyrms. I have the quests. But they won't complete. Like pick up mushrooms. I've done it with other characters but this time it's not working. Also the find Glimmermore quest isn't working. Any suggestions?
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    Michael Boguslavskiy

    Michael Boguslavskiy
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    Things seem buggy right now. There's no banks, no mailboxes. I just completed a quest, picked my award, and my bag is empty. Alas the quest is completed. Basically business as usual at O&C.
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    Brandon H Finley

    Brandon H Finley
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    I know where to get the mushrooms. But I can't pick them up. I walk to Glimmermore and talk to people. But the quest won't complete. Should I just stop playing?
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    Brandon H Finley

    Brandon H Finley
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    So I looked up forums for help. It says these issues are addressed every Tuesday. So does that mean I have to stop playing till the following Tuesday every time there's a problem?
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    Michael Boguslavskiy

    Michael Boguslavskiy
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    Monday is maintenance I believe. So I'm sure it'll get sorted by Tuesday then. I am able to complete some quests now.
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    Michael Boguslavskiy

    Michael Boguslavskiy
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    In part yes. Believe me were all this frustrated.
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    Michael Boguslavskiy

    Michael Boguslavskiy
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    Are all your quests bugged? Also what I do is keep two characters in separate servers. Usually it's only one that'll be affected by something.
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    Brandon H Finley

    Brandon H Finley
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    Only quest I can do are dailies. This plus the mail boxes and chests are all gone.
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    Brian Wright

    Brian Wright
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    It is buggy lately, but I still love the game
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    Shizukana Korosu

    Shizukana Korosu
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    You cant do proper quests, there is a glitch atm, you gotta wait a day until it probably will get fixed
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