There are two ghost horses that I know of in oac: the loyal guard of the dawn and the loyal guard of the dusk. However, today I was watching a oac battlefield and the person recording the video had another ghost horse called the furious loyal guard. Does anyone knows how or where to get that horse?
Actually there are 4 ghost horse that I know (not sure though). The first 2 that you mentioned that can be caught in under realm gelinu area and the furious that you're talking about is the one that you can get when you complete/caught all the horse mount.
The last one is the golden ghost? I repeat I'm not sure but I saw it in one of thespeedfreaks video. A ghost horse that has buff.
Wow. Oh yeah I saw the golden horse in another video too. So to get them, all I have to do is to cap all horses? Hmmm. I should do that