How to get the enlightened mist traders weapons? Does a quest chain starts after you give your normal mist trader weapon to the guy near the mist traders camp?
Don't quote me on this, but I believe you have to farm for an epic item called Scanner, which starts the quest to get the weapons. Scanner is a rare drop in FML.
I know about that part. That gives youthe normal mist traders weapons, I'm talking about the enlightened version of them. There is a guy near the mist traders camp who you give the normal mist traders weapons and he will change them into I think it's a graveyard version which you cannot use. That is after you collect some things for him. I don't know what goes on from there because I don't have the mist traders weapon yet.
If u have ur scannerweapon dont complete the quest atm u get some crappy weapon and u must kill the hardest boss in game to get the upgrade
Oh that's the answer I'm looking for. Thanks. By the way, which boss is the hardest boss in the game? And where can I find that boss
Its the banana boss... Hes in fcl the 3. Boss... U only can suum him if u have the golden banana which u only can get if u get the quest... U know rfl last boss? Hes 2x so hard
Naah its a monkey but all call him banana boss cuz u need a golden banana to suum him same like scannerboss isnt a scanner xD
To get the normal mist weapons you have to do trials then do fml to get scanner then summon the scanner boss a beat it, then follow the quest chain from there. I think it depends on your class too. To get warrior axe they send you to kill a lvl 72 mist betrayer near coldring. And I think to get the eagle head bow, they send you to a place near silent castle where the lvl 70 white wolves are to collect something from a chest
So I figured to get the enlightened version of the mist weapons you have to get some quest, do fcl, kill Ned, get golden banana then summon monkey boss and beat him. That's just what I think, I'm not sure if I'm right
If u give the guy infront of the traders camp ur weapons u get crappy ones... Than u go to an other guy and he gives u other crappy weap. And the quest
I knew it would start from that guy. The description of the enlightened mist weapons gave me the idea. Thanks, at least I'm sure about it this time. Then I will have to get plane ripper from agl to take the place of the eagle head bow when it becomes crap until I get the upgrade version
If u are tank change only the axe... Than u can change ur shield to the crappy one its much better cuz i change both and now im fcked lol
Lol I'm archer. I'm going to exchange both the sins and the archer mist weapons. And while they are crap, the plane ripper will take the place of the mist bow until I can upgrade it