Sold Guys..which type of class is best for beginner ...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Syahmi Kamaruddin, 10/18/14.

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  1. Syahmi Kamaruddin

    Syahmi Kamaruddin
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    Guys..which type of class is best for beginner? To lvl up fast n easy to play? Thx
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    Syahmi Kamaruddin

    Syahmi Kamaruddin
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    Thx for the info :)
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    Evíl Withïn

    Evíl Withïn
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    Just play as the class you enjoy and fits your play style because if you don't, then some time later you are gonna get bored of your toon. And mages aren't hard to use. My main is a lvl 70 mage and I can use it well. I use mage and archer because they fit my play style and I enjoy them being sneaky, tricky and putting players at a disadvantage
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    Syahmi Kamaruddin

    Syahmi Kamaruddin
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    Thx bro..i'll find one that i like..
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    מייקל פיימן

    מייקל פיימן
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    I have a archer 70 and a war 70 but the archer is beter my crit is 8k and my items for 60+
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    Syahmi Kamaruddin

    Syahmi Kamaruddin
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    Nice this oac just like the world of warcraft? The original server is way too hard for levelling..hmm
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    מייקל פיימן

    מייקל פיימן
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    Noo all servers is same xp.. But but it is divided by regions of the you need chose the beter server for you
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    Syahmi Kamaruddin

    Syahmi Kamaruddin
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    Well..ok i think maybe i wanna try with archer..since i like range in others game also..hehe..thx for the info
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    Syahmi Kamaruddin

    Syahmi Kamaruddin
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    Offline from asia most of the players didnt use english to communicate..its hard to play with them..
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    Syahmi Kamaruddin

    Syahmi Kamaruddin
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    Owhh..ok then.. :D
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    Evíl Withïn

    Evíl Withïn
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    I'm on the whispering island server. It's pretty decent, some weird topics on chat at times. I created a toon on AF server once but because I'm use to WI server, I deleted my toon and recreate it on that server
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    Shizukana Korosu

    Shizukana Korosu
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    I always choose an archer/rogue/assassin class in all games
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    Syahmi Kamaruddin

    Syahmi Kamaruddin
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    Tq guys for info
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    Shizukana Korosu

    Shizukana Korosu
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    Dude, you dont have to pick the server your from, i live in the UK and i should be on the Europe server but i use the American one and its just fine, less russian and chinese faggots.
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    Dakronic Healz

    Dakronic Healz
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    I leveled all classes all take about same ammount time and heal is most fun class can lvl tiny bit faster as military monk But remmber everyone needs healer so your always get dungeons servers overloaded with warriors and archers then your find harder to get dungeon
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    Jeffrey Dempsey

    Jeffrey Dempsey
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    Yes I've leveled all classes my first char was an archer soo easy to play but my mili monk is fun to play
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    Jeffrey Dempsey

    Jeffrey Dempsey
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    My dps war crits well over 10k
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    Jeffrey Dempsey

    Jeffrey Dempsey
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    Archers are good but can't touch a dps war once I charge you it's over
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    Jeffrey Dempsey

    Jeffrey Dempsey
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    You will not recover. It's simply impossible
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    מייקל פיימן

    מייקל פיימן
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    If your crit is 10k you must be epic and on my archer i have items for lvl60+ (green quality) and my crit is 8k.. I think it's great but iam stil weak for pvp or leg gun
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