Hey guys any ranger/heal pvp teams here? With this update against decent heal/Dps war team it made it impossible for me to take down heal. Here how it always go down. Dps stun locks my healer to death and I try to take down other teams healer 2 min after healer gets low. Other teams Dps war stun lock me for bit his healer back to full............ And Dps war goes back to my healer stun lock him to death and I can't much because I have less stuns and less damage. This Dps war new tree made it impossible to take them down.
I feel you bro. Effing new skill tree for warriors. Even noobs without gears can kill archers easily even 2s3 already with full s2.
It's so frustrating I wrote in the forums but people say nerf archers instead I'm done bunch of trolls lol
Whats funny is that sins have less armor, less dps than wars, and now they stun just as much as a sin, and it seems to me their stuns last a lil longer thatn a sins stun...
Ya dps war needs to get nerfed... Absolutely. But in that sense. If u have a good healer om your team geared and with some actual skill then u can take down a dps war and heal team. Just gotta figure out strategy