I notice that s2.5 is almost as good, sometimes better, than s2. So should I even bother getting s2, or just focus on s3?
S2.5 gears gives only 140resilence, i dont know why people keep saying s2.5 is better than s2 that has gear mastery and resilence as good as s2.5
Mili s2 4 set speed mastery can stack 3 Heal mastery invis for 5s but can be interrupted with aoe Assassin can have instant cd of shadow blink Not sure of rest I didn't check wars but they useless only resiliance is good
Yes but doesn't increase damage lol only thing mili needs is brown trinket s2 lower heal by 35% this noob alot player
Syco Oac I wouldn't touch the s2 rings neck and cloak get full s2 and then get the s3 neck rings cloak cos it's low rating
If the s2 gear have gear mastery that adds resilience in 2 gears only,and s2.5 have gear mastery adds resilience in 4 gears,then why buy 2 gears of s2 and 4 gears of s2.5 to have a lot of resilience,lol