Hi guys thanks for group. My game name is EmeraldCity, I'm a 65 mage currently on swamp of worms server. I'm looking for an active guild to join. Please pm me or leave message here if you have a home. Thanks. Also I'm willing to transfer servers.
Look for a guild that has lvl 60+ members that will be good for you. You want to stay with people who are doing the same thing as you. Easier to level and get teams
I'm not in that server so I don't know any or else I'd help. Also some of the bigger servers have a ton more guilds to chose from.
Dont Change server...,swamp of wryms sometimes have a guild battle in vega square,lol,and were joining,its fun!
Honestly I played on swamp on and off for almost two years and I'm unimpressed with server population. I look forward to af and playing oac again.