Sold Hey folks, hope you don t mind helping newbies...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bar Reh, 10/28/14.

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  1. Bar Reh

    Bar Reh
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    Hey folks, hope you don't mind helping newbies out in here, as Google/OAC-head isn't helping. I'm levelling by healing for group dungeons, however, I seem to see my fellow monks running around with these two staffs, I want it real bad. Anyone know where I can get hooked up with one of these? Cheers for anything you can tell me :)
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    Rainiel John Caronan

    Rainiel John Caronan
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    Its from free gift box .
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    Knox Oac

    Knox Oac
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    What level are you and those look like the staffs u get in the box
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    Bar Reh

    Bar Reh
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    I'm level 34 at the moment, you guys know any alternatives out there? Game seems pretty short of descent quest rewards for someone who prefers to heal than grind ;)
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    Knox Oac

    Knox Oac
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    Staff - page 2 - Two-Handed Weapon - Order & Chaos Online
    #5 Knox Oac, 10/28/14
    Last edited by a moderator: 11/13/18
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    Bar Reh

    Bar Reh
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    I came across that page when trying to find info on these staffs, Saintly Dispenser looks to be just the ticket, but, I can't seem to get any info on where you can get it, random drop, quest, dungeon for example. Thanks for looking into this for me guys
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    Gabriela Zelaya

    Gabriela Zelaya
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    I'm probably the worst newbie right now, I don't know a lot of stuff yet so bare with me, but I have a question about your comment, you wrote that you level up by teaming up in dungeons, do you get exp when others on your team kill the mobs for you?
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    Kevin Murray

    Kevin Murray
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    Yes GabrielaZelaya
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    Dakronic Healz

    Dakronic Healz
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    Is free you get box open while your leveling
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    Bar Reh

    Bar Reh
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    You mean the box at the top right hand corner, or, the daily box?
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    Adrian DeVivo

    Adrian DeVivo
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    Or collect daily diplomas in Silence and get the unicorn staff. The stats are much better iirc and just takes about a week of daily visits to get the first level staff.
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    Gabriela Zelaya

    Gabriela Zelaya
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    Adrian DeVivo Where do you go to use those diplomas?
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    Adrian DeVivo

    Adrian DeVivo
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    Gabriela Zelaya there are sellers in the same area where you do the diploma quest and attack the dummys. It's on that little island next to the Silence portal.
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