Hello. Im looking to buy a cheap level 30 Hero. All that matters is he/she has to be level 30 with a good ammount of skill points. If you have a fairly basic account you would like to sell for cheap, post below account and character details and how much you are looking to sell for, and if im interested I will PM contact info. Ps. Im looming for a USPS3/4 Account ONLY. Thank you for your time. email me [email protected] /* */ Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump Originally Posted by Smovecriminal Hello. Im looking to buy a cheap level 30 Hero. All that matters is he/she has to be level 30 with a good ammount of skill points. If you have a fairly basic account you would like to sell for cheap, post below account and character details and how much you are looking to sell for, and if im interested I will PM contact info. Ps. Im looming for a USPS3/4 Account ONLY. Thank you for your time. Full t5 cr 100 skill points 77