Sold Selling Selling account in top 25 guild with SF, DF $40 through Venmo

Discussion in 'Knights & Dragons Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Kevin Taylor, 8/2/17.

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  1. Kevin Taylor

    Kevin Taylor
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    Selling level 129 account with 2 shadowforged armors (one with the set) and 17 dragonforged. With his top 6 armors, the main knight has attack and defense, respectively of: 7,131 5,871 .... 5,439 3,359 .... 5,532 4,477 .... 5,313 3,997 .... 4,492 4,334 .... 5,207 3,783 all of these NOT INCLUDING bonus in stats from pets. Account includes 2 shadowforged rings, 2 shadowforged amulets, and many pets including 4* and 5* pets, AND a high commander position in a top 50 guild with top 10/15/25 pushes available. Asking only what I spent on the account - $40 through Venmo. Contact [email protected] for details
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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