Trading Plat V LoL account w/ all champs, 34 skins, 5 rune pages for GOOD DCUOaccount

Discussion in 'DC Universe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 2/24/14.

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  1. Facebook

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    I am trading my Plat V season 4 LoL account with all champs, plenty of skins, 5 rune pages and all the runes you will need for a great DCUO account.

    Will consider good a good EQ / Tera account as well.

    This account was silver in season 2, gold 1 season 3, and is currently plat 5 in season 4. I don't have the patience to put the effort into grinding through the plat trolls to diamond.

    Skype: Necryre

    I am the original owner of this account, I have had it since league came out!


    Akali - Blood Moon

    Alistar - Golden / Unchained

    Annie - Goth

    Elise - Victorious

    Ezreal - Frosted

    Fizz - Fisherman

    Garen - Dreadknight

    Graves - Mafia

    Irelia - Nightblade

    Jarvan - Darkforge

    Jax - Temple

    Jayce - Debonaire

    Karma - Traditional

    Karthus - Statue of Karthus

    Kayle - Judgement

    Kennen - Karate

    Lee Sin - Dragon Fist / Muay Thai

    Mordekaiser - Infernal

    Riven - Dragonblade

    Shen - Frozen

    Taric - Emerald / Bloodstone

    Tristana - Riot Girl

    Trundle - Traditional

    Udyr - Primal / Spirit Guard Udyr

    Volibear - Runeguard

    Warwick - URF THE MANATEE

    Wukong - Jade Dragon

    Zed - Shockblade

    Zyra - Wildfire / Haunted



    Bring on the offers guys, looking to get back into MMO's, tired of dealing with LoL troll community

    Those that are unaware, Urf the Manatee ww skin is no longer obtainable, it was an april fools joke skin only and will not be returning as they say. It's a memorial skin for Urf!




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