Sold Selling level 106 account with GC UWC and more!

Discussion in 'Dead Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SellingDFAcc, 8/2/17.

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  1. SellingDFAcc

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    Hello! I am currently too busy and not planning to play dead frontier anymore so I have decided to sell my account.

    In my account I am currently level 106

    My items

    -Gas mask
    -MOTL implant
    -GC UWC
    -GC Longshot
    -GC Boomer
    -GC Scarab reactive(White)
    -GC Tatakau reactive(Colorless)
    -GC Exterminator reactive XT(Black)
    -GC Worg carbine
    -GC FM mag
    -Good amount of Whiskey and Nerotonin 8B for sustainability purposes
    -Tons of heavy grenades and 14mm rifle bullets
    -94.5 million dollars
    -80 credits

    I am only accepting payments through paypal(Friends and family) and my skype is ryan.dang7, please offer a good amount, I'm not looking for a low amount of cash for this account.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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