Hey, I'm planning on selling my accounts, getting bored of DCUO and need money for gaming pc. Both on USPS. First Account: Main: 104 CR, 160 SP, Nature DPS with some 91 Healer gear. Has a one Ring of OP. Full 90 CR PVP Gear. Has about 3 million cash, CC Hood, plus more. 700 replay badges. It also has an alt Earth Tank, 103 CR 150 SP. Price: Selling for about $225 USD. Second Account: Main: 104 CR, 110 SP, Sorcery DPS with some 91 Healer gear. Almost all 89 CR PVP Gear. Has Nimbus aura, Red Plasmic Aura, some Marketplace styles, plus more. 200 replay badges. Wonderful lair, spent hours and millions decorating. Lol. There are a bunch of alts with good names, all less than T5. PLUS: PSN has Mass Effect, Saint's Row IV, South Park: Stick of Truth, and LEGO Marvel Super Heroes. Price: Selling for about $120, willing to negotiate. Let me know via post, inbox message, or email: [email protected] /* */ Second account is sold. I have the first account still. I am willing to negotiate to $200. This account is really good and is perfect to start mid-T6 for the upcoming Halls of Power DLC. It is also inconspicuous, meaning no one will know there is a change in player. The account is not in any league and does not have any PSN friends. You can keep the name if you'd like. ------------------------------------ bump