Sold Selling WTS Alll Items and Gils for ASURA

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ChinaMaster, 8/2/17.

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  1. ChinaMaster

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    I am available for sale ALL THE ITEMS <GILs too>for Asura server
    GILs gils 1.2$/1M 1000M in the hands.
    1500 HMPs
    60 Riftcinders
    60 Riftdross
    13099 HPBs
    10000 Plutons
    10000 Beitetsus
    10000 Boulders
    30000 Alexs
    10.000 Byne Bill
    R. Stripeshel
    R. Goldpiece
    ALL HQ Crused items. Ken. Samue+1 in the hands

    and much more more. all gils is made by my hands. its safe really.
    Just tell me what do you need and i will get them for you fasttt and SAFE.

    I can get Everythings if you want in Asura. just PM me or add my skype if you got anythings want or any questions to ask.

    My skype adress is [email protected]

    And Thanks Everyone!
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