Selling Selling Selling 2 Fortnite Standard Edition Codes for the PC + Legendary Guns - $25ea

Discussion in 'Fortnite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Garricus, 8/1/17.

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  1. Garricus

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    I have two Fortnite Digital Standard Edition PC codes + two legendary guns, an epic gun and sword for $25 each.

    Paypal Friends and Family ONLY!

    What you get for $25:
    • Fortnite Digital Standard Edition PC code
    • The following items and service below will require you to use discord to coordinate item delivery with me, if you will not use discord, you do not get these items!
    • Exclusive Legendary Assault - Rifle Copper Nocturno (from the $250 Ultimate Edition)
    • Legendary Pistol - Silver Falcon (2star level 15, will 1 shot head shot mobs up to level 19)
    • Epic Pistol - Copper Founder's Revolt (good starting pistol)
    • Epic Sword - Copper Founder's Blazing Masamune (epic katana to slice enemies with)
    • Free Crafting Service (access to my epic and legendary weapon/trap schematics, provide the mats and I will craft for you) - PC only

    PM me with your discord name so I can add you.
    Once payment has been sent via Paypal Friends and Family, I will message you on discord with the Fortnite Digital Standard Edition PC code.
    After receiving the code from me, simply click the link to redeem your game.
    Once you have installed the game on your PC, message me your EPIC Games username (NOT playerup).
    You will need to complete the tutorial before I can invite you to my party to trade guns.
    Lastly, you will have me on your Epic Games friends list and discord, so when you get to higher levels and want better guns, I will craft them free of charge, just provide the mats.

    My Schematics:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
    AIMBOTCalvin likes this.
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