Selling Selling Selling a nice collection

Discussion in 'Hex Shards of Fate Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by randomdude666, 7/31/17.

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  1. randomdude666

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    I am selling my collection in one go, naturally would be much cheaper than buying cards one by one. At the moment the plat to $ ratio is about 170-180p to 1$ which can be seen from the selling price of packs. However, I do understand that offers will be nowhere near that value. My account is roughly 900k plat value with about 100 pages listed in auction house but just to make the fluctuations a minor problem, I am taking offers for the 900k valued collection and everything else coming from auction house will just be bonus. The collection has minimal junk stuff from pve and also minimal amount of spectral acorns (just 30 accounting for 3k of the value of collection) which usually boosts values of the collections. It also includes 8 k equipment in case anyone is interested in getting the collection all together, with equipments such as stormcoat, shard of zakiir, princess gloves and etc. I never tried to complete all of the sets in game(however sets 1-5 are extremely near to completeion) , rather I was interested in getting and stocking on cards that I prefered ( as an exmaple 10+ windsinger, 20+crocos, 5 mightsinger, 6 matriarchs and etc). In case you would like a middleman, an agreed middleman is fine with me.

    Link to my collection:
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