Selling Selling Booster Packs (All sets) and Stuffs

Discussion in 'Hex Shards of Fate Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by laladude, 7/31/17.

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  1. laladude

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    Hello Everyone,

    Please refer to the stock level and prices for the items below.

    Payment methods: PAYPAL,BITCOIN

    Booster Packs​

    Set 001 Shards Of Fate 5048 $1
    Set 002 Shattered Destiny 187 $1
    Set 003 Armies Of Myth 26 $1
    Set 004 Primal Dawn 0 $1
    Set 005 Herofall 15 $1
    Set 006 Scars Of War 5 $1
    Set 007 FrostHeart 4 $1​


    Spectral Acorn 2002 $1 Per 100
    Mephistophelius 20 $11.50
    Cardboard Tube Samurai 20 $15.50
    Aethynia 20 $11
    Mooof 20 $8.50
    Zoltog Merc 20 $6.50
    B.E.B.O. 20 $6.50
    Monkey of the Nine Tails Merc 20 $9.50
    Burgamot Ebonrock 20 $6.50
    Glorfenblort 20 $6.50
    Uruunaz the Merciless AA 25 $12
    Lady Cassandra 60 $6.50
    The Wrath of Zakiir 60 $3.50
    The Crowd Roars! 56 $7.50​
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