Selling Selling Hots - lvl 221 - golden tiger, alpha / beta, unobtainable mounts +++

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by inficere, 7/31/17.

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  1. inficere

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    Have my Overwatch & Heroes of The Storm account for sale.

    *** NOTE= North America Account. I have all information including full name, pass, e-mail and secret question and answers!***


    Heroes of The Storm Details:

    Player Level 221

    UNOBTAINABLE and/or Rare Stuff:

    Portraits - Alpha & Alpha Hero, Beta & Beta Hero, Golden Tiger, Launch Week, Veteran Hero, Lunar Festival, Oni Genji, D.VA, Wonder Billie, Facebook., Preseason Hero, Spring / Summer / Fall Championships.

    Mounts - GOLDEN TIGER, Police Hovercycles (DVA Event), Mechanospider (Facebook. Event), Overwatch Nexagon (Anniversary Event), Wonder Billies, Rainbow Unicorns, Tyrael's Chargers, Nazeebras, Drakkari War Bear, Billie the Kid, Reign-Deer, Showtime 2016 Banner, Thunder Star Chariot

    Tons of unlocked skins and other stuff (way too many to list, just ask if you want!)

    __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

    Overwatch Details:


    Summer Olympics = Genji (Nihon), Lucio (Selecao & Striker), McCree (American), Mercy (Eidgenossin), Torbjorn (Tre Kronor), Tracer (Sprinter & Track and Field), Widowmaker (Tricolore), Zarya (Weightlifter)

    Halloween = Ana (Ghoul), Hanzo (Demon), Mercy (Witch), Pharah (Possessed), Reaper (Pumpkin), Junkrat (Junkenstein's Monster), Soldier 76 (Immortal),

    Christmas = Lucio (Andes), McCree (Scrooge), Mei (Mei-rry), Pharah (Frostbite), Reaper (Shiver), Roadhog (Reindeer), Sombra (Peppermint), Torbjorn (Santa Clad), Tracer (Jingle), Winston (Yeti), Zarya (Frosted), Zenyatta (Nutcracker)

    Lunar New Year = Ana (Tal), Junkrat (Firework), Mei (Chang'e), Mercy (Fortune), Reinhardt (Wujing), Symmetra (Qipao), Tracer (Rose), Zenyatta (Sanyang)

    Uprising = Bastion (Null Sector), McCree (Blackwatch), Mercy (Combat Medic Ziegler), Orisa (Null Sector), Reinhardt (Lt. Wilhelm), Widowmaker (Talon),

    Anniversary = Bastion (Dune Buggy), Senpai (Genji), Lucio (Jazzy), Mei (Beekeeper), Pharah (Bedouin), Soldier 76 (Cyborg 76), Symmetra (Oasis), Tracer (Graffiti), Zarya (Cyberian)

    Limited Time = Officer (D.VA), Oni (Genji), All Origin Skins.

    Legendary Skins -

    Ana - Captain Amari, Horus
    Bastion - Overgrown, Woodbot
    D.VA - Junker, Scavenger, B.VA, Junebug, Officer
    Genji - Nomad, Oni
    Hanzo - Young Hanzo, Young Master, Okami
    Junkrat - Fool, Jester, Hayseed
    Lucio - Ribbit, Slapshot
    McCree - Riverboat, Vigilante
    Mei - Firefighter, Rescue Mei, Abominable, Yeti Hunter
    Mercy - Valkyrie, Imp
    Orisa - Carbon Fiber
    Pharah - Mechaqueen, Raptorion, Raindancer, Security Chief
    Reaper - El Blanco, Blackwatch Reyes
    Reinhardt - Blackhardt, Bloodhardt, Lionhardt, Stonehardt, Balderich, Griefhardt
    Roadhog - Mako
    Soldier 76 - Night Ops, Daredevil, Stunt Rider, Strike Commander Morrison
    Sombra - Augmented
    Symmetra - Architech, Vishkar, Goddess
    Torbjorn - Chopper, Blackbeard
    Tracer - Ultraviolent, Mach T, T.Racer, Slipstream
    Widowmaker - Odile, Comtesse, Huntress, Noire
    Winston - Explorer
    Zarya - Arctic, Siberian Front, Cybergoth
    Zenyatta - Djinnyatta, Ra

    Legendary Emotes -

    D.VA - Game On
    Zarya - Mystery Gift (UNOBTAINABLE)

    I've bought 100's of dollars of crates, I have a TON of unlocks. Most every emote, victory pose, highlight intro and voice line (including limited events). If you want to know, just ask-- but I probably have it.


    Season 1 - Rank 60
    Season 2 - Diamond
    Season 3 - Diamond
    Season 4 - Diamond
    Season 5 - Diamond

    Golden Weapons:


    I have 3960 CP right now so you can buy whatever golden weapon you want to.


    Decided not to sell previously and marked as sold, but am serious about selling now. Current offer is $200 Paypal. Please message me here FIRST before contacting me via PM. Also, due to the nature of a transaction like this, we'll need to use a middleman unless you have tons of rep. Thank you!

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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