Sold Selling || lol elo-boosting || all eu servers || come and get

Discussion in 'League of Legends Boosting - Buy Sell Trade' started by S7eR7n, 7/31/17.

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  1. S7eR7n

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    Our website​


    WHO AM I

    I am a dedicated League of Legends player with boosting experiance of more then 3 years .
    I currently boost on all EU servers (RUS, TUR, EUW, EUNE) with the rest of the servers to come.

    I am master player in the current season, with considerable experience in
    both competitivep play, and boosting.I have won a several tournaments and
    cups, and been involved in many LAN events.

    We provide cheap and fast elo boosting service, and we will always get you to
    the rating you pay for.

    I am exceedingly good at what i do, and with plenty of experience with both boosting and coaching.
    My current acc's boosted are over XXX accounts with unparallel customer service and prices.

    Why me

    100% Anonymous.

    Never Speak To Anyone While Boosting Your Account.


    My price are way lower, not only i offer best customer support, i care about my feedback, and deal with every order individually with highest care.

    -Watch your boost.

    Learn How To Master Every Single Lane In League By Getting Lessons For Free!

    -Pause your order.

    Take As Much Time As You Need. Your Always My Main Priority.


    Every account is VPN protected by special application.

    Elo Hell? Not Any More

    Price per division is :


    1. Bronze V - IV 10 €
    2. Bronze IV - III 10 €
    3. Bronze III - II 10 €
    4. Bronze II - I 10 €
    5. Bronze I - Silver V promotions 10€

    1. Silver V - IV 10€
    2. Silver IV - III 10€
    3. Silver III - II 12€
    4. Silver II - I 12€
    5. Silver I - Gold V promotions 14€

    1. Gold V - IV 12€
    2. Gold IV - III 12€
    3. Gold III - II 14€
    4. Gold II - I 14€
    5. Gold I - Platinum V 14€

    1. Platinum V - IV = 15€
    2. Platinunm IV - III = 18€
    3. Platinum III - II = 18€
    4. Platinum II - I = 20€
    5. Platinum I - Diamond V = 20€

    1. Diamond V - IV = 30€
    2. Diamond IV - III = 40€
    3. Diamond III - II = 50€
    4. Diamond II - I = 70€
    5. Diamond I - Master I = 100€

    Price per win is :

    • In bronze - 2€
    • In silver - 3€
    • In gold - 4€
    • In platinum - 5€
    • In diamond -8€

    If you are getting less then 15 points per game the amount of money is also increased the bigger your current division is.min 50%

    If you have an account that is new without any rating in ranked games then there will be a # available for you depending on what the division/tier will be after i am finished.

    Payment Method


    Cheap Coaching

    1h - 10 €

    How To Order
    Fill out the following order form and message me on skype, PM or post on this thread:
    • 1. What server is the account on?
    • 2. What division is the account currently in?
    • 3. What division/tier do you want to boost to?
    • 4. How much LP are you currently at?
    • 5. How much LP do you gain per game?
    • 6. Did you read my entire thread?
    • The cost for individual games can be discussed on


    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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