Selling EU Diamond+ Account/All heroes open and lvl 15+/Lots of cosmetics and portrait

Discussion in 'Heroes of the Storm Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by idntcr, 7/31/17.

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  1. idntcr

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    I am the one and only original owner.

    EU Diamond+ Account
    All heroes open and lvl 15+
    Lots of cosmetics, portraits and promo items - some of them are exclusive
    131 unopened chests (common+rare+epic+welcome) + some ingame currency

    I will be happy to provide you with any additional information and screenshots.

    Other Games:
    SC2 - Legacy of the Void (Digital Deluxe Edition); Wings of Liberty (Standard Edition); Heart of the Swarm (Digital Deluxe Edition)
    Diablo III RoS Standard Edition
    WoW Draenor - not paid
    Hearthstone - 10k+ dust, 3k+ gold and several legendaries

    Skype: ostrovbuvevatikan
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