Looking for $100 Heroes: Warrior - Golden* + Magni portrait Shaman - Lvl 27 43/500 wins Rogue - Lvl 37 161/500 wins + Maiev Shadowsong portrait Paladin - Lvl 40 190/500 wins Hunter - Golden* + Alleria portrait Druid - Lvl 41 218/500 wins Warlock - Lvl 46 267/500 wins Mage - Golden* + Medivh portrait Priest - Golden* Cards: Legendaries - Fandral Staghelm Cenarius Princess Huhuran King Krush Archmage Antonidas Anomalus Wickerflame Burnbristle Sunkeeper Tarim Ragnaros Lightlord Tirion Fordring Herald Volazj Prophet Velen Edwin Vancleef Xaril Poisoned Mind Hallazeal the Ascended Al'Akir the Windlord Cho'gall Lord Jaraxxus Malkorok Grommash Hellscream Shifter Zerus Bloodmage Thalnos Lorewalker Cho Millhouse Manastorm Nat Pagle King Mukla Moroes Tinkmaster Overspark Barnes Spiritsinger Umbra Elise the Trailblazer Finja the Flying Star Harrison Jones Leeroy Jenkins Prince Malchezaar Aya Blackpaw Cairne Bloodhoof Hogger Mukla Tyrant of the Vale The Beast The Black Knight Baron Geddon Hogger Doom of Elwyn The Curator Twin Emperor Vek'lor Medivh the Guardian The Boogeymonster Alexstraza Malygos Nozdormu Onyxia Soggoth the Slitherer Ysera C'Thun Deathwing Deathwing Dragonlord N'Zoth the Corruptor Yogg-Saron Hope's End Y'Shaarj Rage Unbound Epics - 141 *Any other questions or offers, feel free to message me thank you!*