Selling WTS Dungeon Crawler Account

Discussion in 'Hex Shards of Fate Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by zzXDarkKnightXzz, 7/31/17.

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  1. zzXDarkKnightXzz

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    Hi I am selling my extra dungeon crawler account. There is nothing left on account except all the sleeves that have accumulated, 1 vip ticket, and the dungeon crawler status. The account is level 20 so also has a jumpstart towards the better rewards.

    Why would you want this?

    Well with pve being a big reason to play HEX this account will get you double the rewards including the new Frost Ring Arena. You cant get these codes anymore and the accounts don't pop up that much.

    There are some super rare collectors sleeves on here: The AAA Urunazz, Herofall AAA, Phoenix AAA, many holiday ones, kickstarter sleeves, etc. All sleeves are in picture.

    What I am looking for: I will either take cash via google wallet (don't use paypal, don't like them and will not feed their company) or I will take in game items for it. Contact me with offers questions etc.

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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