This account is from the World Server of Soul Seeker released in January 2017 of this year. I am taking offers on it! You can easily rank top 32 in arena with very little effort. This account has been top 50 in arena since the release of the server. EA include: 46 Lana 46 Mistra 46 Yuria 44 Ramia 44 Orga I am currently working on ea mats for EA Vicky and I am on schedule to have her within days of her release. Awaken Include: 46 Bunz 44 Uroth 42 Moon 42 Siara 40 Mithy 40 Alex 40 Zebram 30 Vicky 30 Liana With my units you can solo both raid bosses. Awaken pets: Rong Ruv Fry I have around 3k gems and over 100 rubies. The account is packed with 6* and materials to awaken many of the raid units I have. I have 3 Awaken SET items. My top units all have at least 3* jewels and many have full sets of 4* runes. Let me know if your interested to know anything else about the account.
All my top units have costumes as well. Only have 1k gems now due to purchasing the newly released costumes. Now Taking $150 for it. Just trying to pass it on to someone who will enjoy the game and continue to keep the account on top like it has been since server release.
I just found your post. I have been into Summoners war for awhile and soul seeker I played along time ago and I want to get back into it. I would like to buy your account. 150usd could be fine if I could get some screen shots of the account's heros
if you don't trust me then it's ok. My profile does say high risk and I don't know why. I never scammed anybody on here.
[trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute Automated Response If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced. .[/trigger] [trigger=by]For: Justin Higgins Re: #8[/trigger]