Selling Selling Selling account with perm account weapons - paypal only low rank edgy enf&crim

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by APBItemsSeller, 7/29/17.

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  1. APBItemsSeller

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    Hello everyone,

    I am selling an account that is a low rank gold threat which has an enforcer and a criminal characters that have account perm weapons on them. List is as follows:

    N-tec 5 Dvah = Account Perm
    HVR Dvah = Account Perm
    Joker Carbine 3 Slot = Account Perm
    Colby M-1922 MK3 = Account Perm
    HVR SD PR2 = Account Perm
    Fr0g Thumbnail = Account Perm
    N-tec 5 Nol (2) = Perm
    Joker Carbine 1 Slot = Perm
    Alig 762 = Perm
    JG 1040 Tactical = Perm

    If anyone is interested then please pm me with offers as to how much you can pay and we can negotiate and come to terms from that point on wards. Thank you for taking your time reading this and have a nice day!


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