Selling Hi sell panda warrior 95 lvl on us t20tornado...

Discussion in 'Taichi Panda Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Egidijus Kackanas, 8/31/16.

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  1. Egidijus Kackanas

    Egidijus Kackanas
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    Hi sell panda warrior 95 lvl on us t20tornado server avg guild eternal wing 6 accesion all equipment 8 refine 190 porification vip 4 fireborn tier 3 pet11-15 lvl 89-94 might 682k on this acc ru s26 owerlord server panda fox 91 lvl might 591 fireborn 4 tier set 8 refine super daily card vip5 on top giuld 225 dimes daily who intresting pm with offer price im thing not big
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  2. OP
    Egidijus Kackanas

    Egidijus Kackanas
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    Price not big 200 eu acc registered on snail games
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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