Selling Selling Selling MR 16 over 300 hours

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by phillipsbeer, 7/29/17.

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  1. phillipsbeer

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    Selling MR 16 over 300 hours
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    Email - [email protected]

    Account Images:

    Warframes with Orokin Reactor o Forms:
    Ash - Reactor Installed
    Ash Primer - Reactor + 1 Shape
    Banshee - reactor
    Chroma - reactor + 1 shape
    Ember - reactor
    Excalibur - reactor + 2 shapes and pendragon hull
    Frost Reactor
    Ivara - reactor
    Loki Prime - reactor
    Mirage - reactor
    Nekros - reactor
    Nova Prime - reactor
    Rhino - reactor + 2 shapes
    Saryn Prime - reactor
    Titania - reactor
    Trinity - reactor + 3 shapes
    Valkyr - reactor
    Volt Prime - reactor
    Zephyr - reactor

    Weapons with installed Catalyst Orokin and shapes:
    Amprex - catalyst + 2 forms
    Braton Prime - catalyst
    Burston Prime - catalyst + 1 form
    Dex Sybaris - catalyst + 2 way
    Awe - catalyst + 1 form
    Paris Prime - catalyst + 1 form
    TONKOR - catalyst + 5 form
    Vaykor Hek - catalyst + 3 form
    Vulkar Wraith - catalyst

    Lex Prime - catalyst
    Sonicor - catalyst + 3 way

    Broken war - catalyst
    Dex Dakra - catalyst
    Catalyst of war

    Unions - Maximum level with red veil and Meridian steel​
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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