Selling Warface Account lv 66 EU

Discussion in 'Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Avek, 7/29/17.

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  1. Avek

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    I want to sale my account.

    PVE: 3.5k
    PVP: 3.6k wins and 1.7 losses
    K/D: 1.989
    YT channel:
    I have bought Atlas operation.

    Class: ( I am writing only weapons which are worth something )

    AC7 - Exar-LPD - 2x CCR CQB (with Earth Shaker) - MT19 - UMP45
    Full armor equipment

    gold TWM - ATLAS S60B3 (and normal) - Black Karkom SNR - Garota - 2x Miller (normal and Earth Shaker)
    Full armor equipment

    R16A4 - ATLAS Ms Radek (and normal) - 2x T27 (normal and Earth Shaker) - FY47 - AR GAR - PARA
    Full armor equipment

    PEG Bullpup - Peg H.G.C - 2x Accuracy 7 (normal and Earth Shaker) -
    Full armor equipment

    Pistols: S18G (normal and Earth Shaker) - Desert Eagle - R1911D1 - Hex auto Revolver with 2 skins

    Some skins for weapons (for 1 rank in Ranked Matches and for Clan ladder)

    2xskin for every class

    160k WF$
    25k Crowns

    Prize: 40€
    Contact: [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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