Sold Selling Android IH 115 acc server46

Discussion in 'Idle Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by hopeless58, 7/29/17.

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  1. hopeless58

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    7*s - faceless, balrog, ormus, lutz.. these are fully lvled
    lvl 100 5*s - divine spirit, norma, bonecarver, das moge, barea, flamestrike, bloodblade
    lvl 1 5*s - rogge, deathsworn, lutz
    lvl 1 4*s - disciple, fegan, 4x chief, norma, 3x aleria, 3x kristian, 2x LM-02, sierra, deathsworn
    lvl 65 dragon sigh with lvl 25 inexhaustible spring, lvl 24 red flame body, and lvl 3 dragon blood
    also has 16 lvl1 3*s
    Gold - 3553k
    spirit - 101m
    monster souls - 314
    chaos stones - 8
    casino chips - 212
    arena tickets - 163
    prophet blessings - 40
    glory coins - 80
    soul stone shards - 270
    guild coins - 515
    magic dust -715
    gems - 215, will recieve 1080 in 3 days from monthly card and still able to buy 4.99 monthly card
    vip lvl 3 acc with lvl 22 guild and is also on boss 15
    not looking for much at all for this account, willing to negotiate if necessary.
    price for this account : $40-$50, paypal only, will send info after payment.
    pm me if you have any questions or want to buy the account
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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