Sold Selling Selling end game crusaders account; information enumerated

Discussion in 'Crusaders Quest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by kagamiracle, 7/29/17.

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  1. kagamiracle

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    You won't abysmally encounter any kind of intricacy using this account.

    I want to sell it as quick as possible, and I am going to use paypal.

    The album includes the account info.
    I have 13 more 2 pen rings with a useless option. You could try changing the option thanks to the new Legend of Primal Flames update.

    I am missing total of 6 contract heroes; however, those heroes will not bring your game experience down as they are minor heroes which no one uses anyways.
    For Colosseum, it is extremely easy to get to wherever rank you want. The ticket number determines the rank. In order words, you won't have to worry about losing in Colosseum anymore.

    I have few KoF characters, which are:

    Billy Kane
    Chizuru Kagura
    Sie Kensou

    I also have few of RWBY collaboration.

    Nora Valkyrie
    Ruby Rose
    Pyrrha Nikos
    Yang Xiao Long

    You could contact me via email : [email protected] or [email protected] (this is my paypal email)
    Or write a comment.
    We could negotiate about the price, but I am thinking more like 160 dollars.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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