Selling Selling $0.45 Low Rank SR Boost | Competitive Points Farming | Free Streaming!

Discussion in 'Overwatch Boosting for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Swinpappy, 7/29/17.

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  1. Swinpappy

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    Limited offer: 3 Free Platinum Placements! [0/3 claimed]
    Get in touch with me, and I'll complete your placement matches for free and get you into platinum.

    Hey everyone, my name's Jack, and I'm a diamond rated Overwatch player based in the UK (I can still play in NA, however).

    Please note: I don't boost past 2000sr.

    SR Boost:
    Bronze: $0.45/£0.35/€0.40 per 50sr
    Silver: $0.45/£0.35/€0.40 per 50sr

    Up to a maximum of 2000sr
    10% off the final sale price if you buy 500sr+

    I may also be willing to boost to 2500, but please contact me about that.

    Competitive Points:

    -50 points - £12/$16/€15
    -150 points - £35/$45/€42
    -300 points - £60/$78/€72

    If you are below 2000SR, I can make the price cheaper. Send me an e-mail and we'll work something out.
    Do be aware that while I'm farming your CP, your SR will head towards the 3000 mark.

    Thanks guys, and I'm happy to respond to any questions you might have! To discuss a purchase or ask questions, feel free to email me at
    [email protected], cheers!

    Returning customers will also receive 5% off of their final price.
    This # can be used in conjunction with the above 10% off when buying 500 or more SR, for a total of 15% off the final price.


    Why should I choose to boost with you?
    Simply put? I'm a cheap booster. Aside from that, I'm very customer driven. I'm not a corporate bot or anything like that, just a friendly and reliable guy looking to make some money on the side playing the game I adore.

    Do you duo queue?
    Unfortunately not. I only boost from your own account.

    Do you use any exploits or bots in your boosts?
    No. Everything is done by me, by hand, naturally and cleanly.

    If my account is banned, what will you do?
    I'm as discreet as I can be. I don't mention anything to do with boosting, smurfing or throwing; along with blizzard's seeming inaction against all the reports they get it's extremely unlikely you will be banned. If you do get banned however, there is nothing I will do.

    Do you stream your boosts?
    I certainly can. Just ask me in the email! Streaming would also be a great option if you wanted to learn more about the game. As much as I can, I'll try and explain what I'm going and why - although maybe not so much in the heat of battle!

    Will you pick a certain character so I can watch and learn how to play them better?
    Of course, however for heroes that can't carry all too well (E.G. Mercy, Lucio, Zen), I may only have a few games on them.

    Do you offer any refunds?
    In the unlikely event that I don't manage to get you your rank in a reasonable time frame, let me know and I will send you a full refund right away.
    If you start to have second thoughts about the boost, you can feel free to cancel before I have boosted you 100SR or you rank up. You may not get a full refund, however, as paypal takes a 2.9% + $0.30 cut from every transaction. You will get the amount I receive after paypal's cut (IE 97.1% -$0.30 refund).
    For example: if you had 1200 SR, i will refund you (2.9% - $0.30) whilst your account is between 1200-1299. If the account gets to 1300 before I'm made aware you want a refund, I won't refund you. Sorry.

    How long will a boost take?
    Not long. Probably a few hours. I'll likely have a 90% win rate and a game will last up to 10 minutes earning maybe 25SR per win. So, 500SR would would take around 4 hours.

    How will I pay you?
    Email me the service you want and the details, we'll work out the price and then send the money via Paypal. Once I've got the money, I'll start boosting you ASAP.
    When you send the money, please make the reference "*YourBnetAccountEmailHere* Boost Money" or something similar so that I can immediately recognise who is sending me the money.

    Why do you only boost to 2000 if you're a diamond rated player?
    Because boosting up to 2000 is much easier than boosting to 3000.

    What currency are your listings in and what currency do you accept?
    USD/GBP/EUR. I can accept any bank currency, however, if you'd prefer to pay with something else.
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