Selling Overwatch boosting for PS4 Users CHEAP ASF

Discussion in 'Overwatch Boosting for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Jswaby1010, 7/29/17.

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  1. Jswaby1010

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    Been boosting for about 6 months now for multiple websites and since they usually care about their boosters im offering a cheaper alternative. My season high is 4800 and ive been in the top 10 every single season atleast once and reached rank 1 season 3 and 4. I main tracer and pharah and defer to soilder every now and then. If you want it streamed its an extra 20$.

    And obviously if you want proof that im not a scrub ill send you proof on Skype.

    PRICES Plain and simple

    Ranks below diamond is 70$ per 500Sr
    3000-3500 is 90$
    3500-4000 is 130$
    4000- top 500 which is around 4250 ill charge 130$
    If you have a specific rank just message me on skype at @Demonatk4eva and ill shoot you a custom price thats cheaper than the boosting sites.
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