Selling Selling Sellin 255R crim

Discussion in 'All Points Bulletin Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Blackzaze, 7/28/17.

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  1. Blackzaze

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    Selling 255R criminal + other chars with bought items
    Joker tas20
    Obeya cap40-c
    Vas-r2 sword nfcp3
    PSR harrier R&D III
    CBMP-45 bolt
    VBR tempress
    Pdw-57 stiletto
    3 slot tommygun
    N-HVR 243-SD PR2
    Vegas G20 birth racing 4x4
    Patriot vegaa G24 4x4 rhino
    Bishada rapier sport s4
    Patriot V20 Nightrider 4A
    All vegas kits but no firehawk
    Some 2 bishada rapier kits
    Rocket bundle
    Military clothing pack (big jacket with hood and gasmask)

    50€ paysafecard and this account is your
    You can buy paysafecards online from
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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