Sold [WTS] WTS +15 evie 29k ATT lvl 95 full regina OP ACCOUNT

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Miguelrf, 7/28/17.

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  1. Miguelrf

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    611 Titles
    Maxed AP skills w/ over 2k remaining
    Path Dark Knight w/ 2nd Transformation
    Power 43,769


    M.Att: 29,242
    Def: 14,527
    Critical: 132
    Add Damage: 4,130
    Critical Dmg: 195
    Critical Resistence: 98
    HP: 7,702
    Stamina: 237
    Balance: 90
    ATTACK Speed: 84

    +15 Righteous Bloodlust Terminus Sentinel (level 90 orange) MAX
    +15 Immortal Judgement dreamwalker staff (looks awesome)
    OVER 12 PAGES IN the NX TAB of enhancement runes, enchantment runes, many outfits(some of them below)
    Armor = Fully Enchanted Orange Regina Set (Level 90 Set +11/12)

    ALL NEEDED PVP ACCESSORIES with perfect enchantments
    1 Fast Passion Innocent Tear
    1 Subdued passion amethyst belt
    2 The dead passion ODM
    1 Significant passion blue kitty brooch
    2 copper bracelet
    and more...

    Avatar Sets~
    - Succubus Queen
    - Iset Full
    - wedding dress full
    - special floral yukata
    - frost princess
    - aurora princess
    - leather ninja
    - urban angel
    - field
    - special fox oracle
    - special bunny babe
    - special butterfly kissed
    - special necromancer
    - Black Elchulus Wings
    and others ...
    acc also has like 2 more lvl 90s and a few others.
    u can pretty much fk everything up with this acc :)
    $600 via paypal.... contact me through here or skype preferably.

    Skype: 2pro4utoo
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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