Sold Clean S/S+ Tier Unit Account. Linde, Azura, Ryoma, and more!

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KuroYuki, 7/28/17.

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  1. KuroYuki

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    Tired of maintaining 2 accounts, especially with the new arena and Tempest Trials.

    Important IV's: (Negatives aren't SPD or ATK unless stated)
    Lucina + ATK
    Azura + SPD
    Ryoma +SPD
    Linde Effectively Neutral
    Tharja -Atk+HP/+Atk-Spd
    BCamilla Effectively Neutral
    Effie +ATK (picture slightly outdated, haven't played since latest tempest trial with Tobin. Have 5* Masked Marth) All Askarian units 5* for arena bonus.

    Seals: All except phantom speed and quickened pulse
    Lots of orbs to get, as of right now 162 orbs and 22k feathers, with numerous chapters available (easily over 50 orbs I believe)

    PM me with any questions!

    C/O: $45
    B/O: $60
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