Level:271+ IOS Madals:174m+(2nd one in the game) Defence:140m+ Rubies:44k Tokens:90k+ Dragon boosts: 6k+ Healing potions: 7k+ Tower boosts:18k+ Clocks: 19k 3hours 19k 1 hours Divine dragons: Morphos Aster Sage Fae Algor Snow Tarand Tengu Phasmos Skarr Ns Ebon And so many other divines Normal dragons: Kyrule Ferga Deci Kerbos All garnets And All other dragons in the game If you interested or for screenshots please send me a message via line app: deadlysmoker or WhatsApp 00905434605896
This seller is a high risk ! He is selling all kind of accounts with all kind of différents specs and this is really suspicious ! Please be aware and do your researches before buying. Please guys be aware of a lot of scams on going about War Dragons accounts and I would not suggest to anybody to buy these accounts WITHOUT the middleman payment system ! Using a middleman link is the ONLY way to provide a safe transaction and delivery of the account, so keep it in mind !