Selling I am selling my Guild Wars 2 account, level 80...

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jaylene Flom, 12/24/16.

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  1. Jaylene Flom

    Jaylene Flom
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    I am selling my Guild Wars 2 account, level 80 Human Ranger main 100% map completion. Tons of customization, many dyes unlocked, own a lot of items, weapon skins, and outfits from the gem store (acc has 175 gems). Trust me you can make a lot of different outfits with the stuff I have and dyes. I have most pets unlocked. I have not used that map completion essence thing. Second character on my account is a Level 60 Human Engineer, also equipped with weapon skins, outfits, pets, dyes, boosts. I don't have very special stuff like wings or eternity swords but my weapons are strong still lol. Third character is a Level 27 Human Necromancer. I have 362 hours played over 665 days, I am asking for $50. Please PM!!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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