Selling Selling NA Siel server Songweaver level 68. PVP...

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Oscar Varela, 12/12/16.

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  1. Oscar Varela

    Oscar Varela
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    Selling NA Siel server Songweaver level 68. PVP & PVE ready! ($80) Set. Weapon: Archdaeva's Remodeled Danuar Harp fused with BM +9 with silence. PVP set: Coustodian's Divine Tunic +13 Coustodian's Divine Leggings +13 Coustodian's Divine Pauldrons +13 Coustodian's Divine Shoes +13 Elite Guardian Tribunu's Gloves +15 Blood Mark Accesories PVE set: Archdaeva's Restructured Danaur Tunic +5 Archdaeva's Restructured Danaur Leggings +5 Archdaeva's Restructured Danaur Shoes +5 Archdaeva's Restructured Danaur Gloves +5 Archdaeva's Restructured Danaur Pauldrons +5 Conqueror's Mirage Accesories Additional items. Atreia's Wings +10 Magic Boost Plume +6 White's Star Lunatic Headband 315 Blood Medals 63 Ceramium Medals 20,800 Glory Points (used to be a 2 star a while ago) 479,373 Abyss Points. Stigmas: Treble Cleave, Impassion, Pean of Pain, Summer, Autumn, Half Stop, Chorus of Blessing, Resonant Hym and Hym of Rejuvenation. Legion Horse mount. Sharptooth Mauler Goldenimbus 1,311,693,476 Kinah + 45m in broker. Wonder Girl Part 2 dance!! Master 521 Handicrafting *Also includes 6 alts for events and 1 65 Glad with Master in Aether and Esscenstapping*
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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