Sold Selling Idris, nirvana, afterglow burtang, 4 aeonics , 7x master.

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SummonerXI, 7/26/17.

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  1. SummonerXI

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    TARUTARU main

    Reg Codes: YES

    Server Xfer is Available
    SE Q&A YES!

    Missions and completion
    Windy Rank 10 (10% CP Bonus)
    Zilart: Complete!
    Promathia: Complete!
    Dynamis: All Access!
    ToAU: Complete!
    WotG: Complete!
    Adoulin: Complete!
    Abyssea: Vision/Heroes/Scars Full Access and complete
    Mercenary Rank: Captain
    Addon (A Crystalline Prophecy): N/A
    Addon (A Moogle Kupo d'Etat): N/A
    Addon (A Shantotto Ascension): Complete!
    Voidwatch= Complete!
    Dynamis= Done (All Access)
    Floor 100 Nyzul
    5/5 Vagary
    5/5 Omen (Ou access)
    6/6 Delve
    6/6 WKR (15% CP Bonus)
    14/14 Colon Reive (26% CP Bonus)
    10/10 (Lair Reive (9% CP Bonus)

    Burtang AFTERGLOW
    IDRIS 119
    Fomalhaut 119
    SRIVATSA 119
    Sequence 119
    AENEAS 119
    NIRVANA 119
    OCHAIN 99
    AEGIS 99

    Sulevia's Armor Sets= DONE
    Hizamaru Armor Sets= DONE
    Inyanga Armor Sets =DONE
    Meghanada Armor Sets= DONE
    Jhakri Armor Sets= DONE
    Flamma Armor Sets= DONE
    Tali'ah Armor Sets= DONE
    Mummu Armor Sets= DONE
    Ayanmo Armor Sets= DONE

    Incursion Back (50% CP Bonus)
    Capped bags 80/80 (all mog exits for mog safe 2, satchel from token)
    80/80 Gobbiebag
    91 truts
    Capped fame in Bastok, Sandy and Jueno
    All mounts
    45/45 Merits
    15/15 HP
    15/15 MP
    All Attributes= 15/15
    All Combat Skills= 8/8
    All Magic Skills= 8/8 (String,Wing,)
    5/5 Crit rate
    5/5 Spell interruption
    Shijin Spiral= 2/5
    Requiescat= 1/5
    Ruinator= 2/5
    Tachi: Shoha= 1/5
    Shattersoul= 1/5
    Last Stand=1 /5

    Mnk= 10/10 7/10
    SMN=Fully merited
    Thf= Fully merited
    Pld= Fully merited
    whm= 10/10 10/10
    Bst= Fully merited
    Sam= Fully merited
    BLM= 10/10 5/10
    Blu= Fully merited
    Cor= Fully merited
    PUP= Fully merited
    GEo= Fully merited
    Job Level
    99 whm,pld,bst,rng,smn,cor,mnk,blm,thf,sam,blu,pup.
    49 war,rdm,nin,dnc,sch,run.

    Job Points
    GEO= 2100
    PLD= 2100
    BLM= 2100
    COR= 2100
    BLU= 2100
    SMN= 2100
    THF= 2100

    Windy Conquest Points= 180,025
    Beastmen Seals= 98
    Kindred Seals= 60
    Kindred Crest= 340
    High Kindred Crest= 314
    Sacred Kindred Crest= 522
    Sparks= 99999
    AMAN Vouchers= 205
    Shining stars= 270
    Imperial Standing= 59,708
    L. Sanctum= 12,541
    M.J.T.G= 23,036
    L. Cavern= 54,075
    Periqia= 49,415
    Ilrusi Atoll= 34,801
    Tokens= 110,998
    Zeni= 21,484
    Jettons= 512
    Therion Ichor= 16240
    Cruor= 29034876
    Traverser Stones= 6218
    Voidstones= 1282
    Unity Accolades= 99,999
    Rem Ch1= 32
    Rem Ch2= 33
    Rem Ch3= 24
    Rem Ch4= 16
    Rem Ch5= 9
    Rem Ch6= 168
    Rem Ch7= 11
    Rem Ch8= 103
    Rem Ch9= 227
    Rem Ch10= 11
    Bayld= 1301377
    Kinetic Units= 8765
    Obsidian Fragments= 2240
    Mweya Plasm= 3175
    Escha Silt= 6661990
    Escha Beads= 10361
    Pellucid Stones= 246
    Fern stones=165
    Taupe stones=179

    48 BEITETSU parcel
    41 Boulder case
    58 pluton box
    51 beitetsu box
    45 blouder box

    Escha Vorseal
    HP/MP+ 8
    Acc/R.Acc/Eva+ 6
    Def+ 8
    Atk/R.Atk+ 10
    M.Acc/M.Eva+ 9
    M.Def+ 9
    M.Atk+ 8
    DEX/AGI+ 10
    STR/VIT+ 10
    INT/MND/CHR+ 10
    Occ. Nullifies Damage 3
    Killer Effects+ 3
    Damage Taken 3
    Rare Enemy+ 9
    Luck+ 11
    Regen+ 4
    Refresh+ 5
    Accuracy++ 9

    Coalition Ranks
    Pioneer LEGEND
    Courier LEGEND
    Inventor LEGEND
    Mummer LEGEND
    Peacekeeper LEGEND
    Scout Petitioner LEGEND

    I only need one boss VINIPATA to have the last aeonic for the weapon Godhands

    Please PM with serious offer
    Verified Paypal prefered as payment method.

    Bid is $1800
    #1 SummonerXI, 7/26/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/26/21
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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