Sold Selling 100$ selling 2 accts in kingdom #321 Lhordham with 4.8 mill gold between them

Discussion in 'Vikings War of Clans Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Manccr, 7/26/17.

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  1. Manccr

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    I'm selling 2 accts with:

    4.8 mill gold between them

    More than 2 bill silver and almost 800 mill mixed rss (lumber,iron,food,

    lot of time boost

    One acct with lvl 21 palace and 10 mill infl and the other with lvl 20 palace and 14 mill infl, you can use them as banks or with that amount of gold and rss you can lvl up both very higher!!!

    Both for $100

    info: [email protected]
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