(Norwegian seller) Hello, I've come to the conclusion that I can't afford having 5 paid accounts on AO anymore. As a multiboxer, lately I feel I pay more than I get back in terms of fun through the game. It's getting expensive and I don't have as much fun in AO as I used to anymore. I'm therefore selling my accounts. Price is higher as I'm original owner of them all and they have never been played by anyone but me. Ingame noone knows me and all characters don't have any history and been in 1 org only. All are clan. The accounts are perfect for someone who wishes to start an endgame toon with 100% security and anonymity ingame. Buyer WILL recieve a scan of my ID so in the future you can verfy yourself as original owner of the account. Master account 1: 220 enforcer (decked out with full alphas and all BiS items like full ql 300 CM. Great tank. 60k HP in raids) 220 soldier (CSS armor + selfcasts all endgame nanos) 200 Agent Both clan, both decked out with CSS + CM and both can cast their endgame nanos without problem. Enf been used as tank in our team and been pocketing for my other leveling projects. Price: 200euro Account 2 (Not merged): 220 Fixer, AI 27, Maxed research. (Decked out with alphas and full DD setup. Also got PVM solo Defensive setup in inventory. Can solo tank beast. Rest of alphas are in inventory and ready to be equipped in one AI level) 150euro Master Account 2: 220 adv, AI 24, Maxed research. (Best gear ingame with CSS and full alphas. Stacking energy damage for pure DD build. Can selfcast all nanos ingame. Awakened tokenboard). 220 crat, AI 23. (Decked out with best gear ingame like ql 300 CS and full alphas. Can easily cast all ingame nanos and got awakened tokenboard.) 200 NT (Twink) 130 NT (Twink with QL 75 AI armor) 150 euro Contact: Skype: Spreaa
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