Sold Selling EU server GW2+HoT, 18k AP, 39k acc value

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by melici, 7/25/17.

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  1. melici

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    Hi there, lets start

    GW2 veteran account (since april 2012) + HoT (all codes and sell with e-mail)

    7 characters on account:
    Elementalist human 80 lvl
    Elementalist charr 80 lvl
    Engineer asura 80 lvl
    Necromancer charr 80 lvl
    Warrior norn 80 lvl
    Revenant charr 80 lvl
    Thief sylvari 54 lvl

    62 PvP rank, 2882 WwW rank (175k kills)

    A lot of gem store weapon skins and rare weapon skins (like Staff), and also backpack skins

    5 ascended sets - 1 light bers, 1 medium bers, 1 heavy bers, 1 light soldier, 1 light wanderer
    Some different ascended parts
    A lot of ascended weapons - staffs, daggers, scepters, focuses, axes, greatswords
    Bunch of ascended jewelry in the bank and full warhouse of different materails

    300 gems, 900+ gold, many HoT zone currency, 209 laurels

    18k+ AP, never been in Raids and Fractal low lvl (about 25)

    Main HoT masteries learned

    and cherry on the cake - Predator \o

    PRICE - 200$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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